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Radio Frequency Cellulite Reduction & Skin Smoothing

A temperature-controlled radio frequency (RF) skin smoothing system with the power to redefine the future. Nothing can stop the aging process, but there are many solutions to help deal with the implications. Unlike the invasiveness of surgery and the harshness of chemicals, NuEra Tight harnesses the power of science for a natural way to uplift your body, enabling you to enjoy a new lease of life.

How does it work?

The High-power deep heating RF wave gently heats the skin, inducing collagen contraction and new collagen creation, kicking the body’s own healing mechanism.

 Radio Frequency is a non-invasive solution that successfully treats a large range of body areas for younger and smoother-looking skin.

The Treatment is extremely comfortable, safe and quick, with some patients noticing improvement after just one treatment.

What should I expect?

After treatment, it is quite normal to experience some temporary slight swelling and redness. There is no downtime and you can resume normal activities right away.

Some patients notice visible improvement after the first treatment with Radio Frequency Tight, however at least 4 treatments are required for optimal results

Radio Frequency tight ensures long lasting results with a unique 2-step program:

  • Step 1 – GetSmooth is an initial treatment package to jump start smoothing, with 4-6 treatments (every 2 weeks for skin smoothing; once a week for cellulite)
  • Step 2 – StaySmooth is a regular treatment maintenance program with touch-ups every 2 to 3 months.


Radio Frequency Tight Cellulite Reduction & Skin Smoothing
1 session


Courtesy of Connie Casad, MD – Dallas, Tx.

Courtesy of Concita Muneratti, MD – Italy.